Sprung(?) break!!!

Spring break was incredible. It met all my expectations and was, by far, one of the best weeks of my life. Our hotel was phenomenal, the sand was white, the beach parties were pumping, and the there was so. much. beer.

Admittedly, the weather was not that great (on the last day it rained to the point of issuing flood warnings…) but it was still warm enough to hit the beach every other day. Oh, and average weather meant no sunburn! Continue reading


Whilst I write up everything that has happened on Spring Break, here’s some more differences between American and Australian culture to keep you all satisfied:

Highways have speed minimums. That’s right, MINIMUMS.

Just like cars drive on the right hand side of the road, people walk on the right hand side of the footpath
(Next time you go for a walk, pay attention to which side of the footpath people are walking on and which side they


Drive-thru ATM

move to when they walk past you)

A footpath is called a sidewalk.

They have drive-thru ATMs. –>

Americans call tomato sauce ketchup. If you want to avoid the inevitable awkward pause as they figure out what you mean, use ketchup.

Nashville appears to be the Hen’s party capital of Tennessee.

In Tennessee, the more you look like a cowboy, the less you look like a tourist.

And here’s a list of words that blow American’s minds when you pronounce them in an Australian accent
(i.e. correctly):
(phonetic pronunciations)

  • Oregano
    • (American = Or-egg-ah-no) (Australian = Or-eh-gar-no)
  • Aluminium
    • (American = A-loo-min-um) (Australian= Al-you-mini-yum)
        • Comes from Americans and Canadians spelling “aluminium” as “aluminum”
  • Basil
    • (American = Bays-el) (Australian = Ba-zil)
  • Caramel
    • (American = car-mel) (Australian = Ca-ra-mel)
  • Last
    • (Midwest America= l-ass-t) (Australian = l-ah-st)
  • Dickhead
    • For some reason the way Australian’s pronounce dickhead is hilarious to some Americans (Kristen I’m looking at you)


Mid-terms are fast-approaching and so this past week has been less intense, at least compared to those of late. I’m not getting any better at poker. However, despite everything I’ve only gained 2kg since I’ve been here. #WINNING!20140312_214317

100 times better than it sounds

100x better than it sounds

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Fat squirrels.

This post marks (what I’m pretty sure is) the halfway point of my exchange and I cannot believe how fast it has flown by. This past week has been a rush in so many ways; from another thrilling basketball match, to shooting my first gun, bearing witness to an incredible DJ and finding one of my favourite bars, this week has been an absolute BLAST! (pun definitely intended)

Oh! and the fattest squirrel I've ever seen!

Oh! and the fattest squirrel I’ve ever seen!

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