The final stop.

Ah, Singapore. The food, the culture, the history and the (quite literally) crippling jet lag. So, the final 2 days of my trip were spent in Singapore, however, thanks to poor weather and a bout of poor health, I wasn’t as adventurous as I had been at previous stops throughout this trip. Nevertheless, here’s what I got up to.

The Singapore Flyer

The Singapore Flyer

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Do I hear wedding bells?

In the final week of my semester at Mizzou I learnt that my family had been invited to attend the wedding of my last unmarried cousin. I saw the invitation as an opportunity to see more of the world and so, when asked if I’d like to accompany them, I immediately began making plans that would allow me to add more stamps to my passport and travel experience to my resume whilst landing me in Scotland in time to attend the wedding. It is at that final point that I arrived on Thursday. Continue reading

Viva Espana!

So several weeks before I began this trip, a friend teaching in Spain realized that I would be a mere 2.5 hour flight from her whilst I was in the United Kingdom. Several messages and some struggles with Ryanair’s website later and I had booked a spur-of-the-moment weekend in Spain.

Venetian paella, the best kind of paella

Valentian paella, the best kind of paella

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BOO! – yah

So… this post is a little delayed, but only because I’ve been so busy doing things and seeing people this past week.
What with Halloween, pumpkin carving, flights, trains and patriots games I’ve had barely enough time to make future plans, let alone review the plans I’ve made! Continue reading


I assumed a lot of people would return for homecoming at Mizzou but, like many of my presumptions regarding my experiences whilst traveling, I was still surprised. Mostly by the sheer number of people who were on campus to celebrate Mizzou’s homecoming weekend.


Here’s a photo of *just one* fraternity tailgating party to give you an idea of the number of people at homecoming.

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Back in black (and gold)

Aaaaannnnnndd we’re back for another adventure. While in America I was bitten by a terrible travel bug and the only cure is to return to the incredible, unpredictable adventure that is travelling the world. So, in response, I booked myself a round-the-world trip with stops in America, England, Scotland, Spain and Singapore. And just when my short term bank balance was beginning to look a little less bleak… Continue reading